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Saturday, December 31, 2016

鄧紫棋 G.E.M. - 光年之外 Light Years Away

Feel the fingertips on my hair
如何瞬间 冻结时间
How can I freeze time at that moment
Remember to look at my firm eyes
也许已经 没有明天
Maybe there is no tomorrow

Facing the vast sea of stars
We are tiny like dust
漂浮在 一片无奈
Floating in helplessness

Fate has allowed us to meet outside the chaotic world
Yet destiny wants us to love through hardships
Perhaps the future is light years away
I am willing to wait for you aimlessly

我没想到 为了你 我能疯狂到
I did not expect that I would go crazy for you
山崩海啸 没有你 根本不想逃
Even if there was a landslide or tsunami, I wouldn't think of leaving
我的大脑 为了你 已经疯狂到
My brain has gone crazy for you
脉搏心跳 没有你 根本不重要
My pulse and heartbeat are not important without you

A pair of arms around my chest
足够抵挡 天旋地转
Enough to resists the Earth's rotation
A kind of obsession does not want to let go because of stubbornness
足以点燃 所有希望
It's enough to light up all the hope

The universe is vast and cold
Our love is small but shining
颠簸 却如此忘我
Bumpy yet so selfless

Fate has allowed us to meet outside the chaotic world
Yet destiny wants us to love through hardships
Perhaps the future is light years away
I am willing to wait for you aimlessly

我没想到 为了你 我能疯狂到
I did not expect that I would go crazy for you
山崩海啸 没有你 根本不想逃
Even if there was a landslide or tsunami, I wouldn't think of leaving
我的大脑 为了你 已经疯狂到
My brain has gone crazy for you
脉搏心跳 没有你 根本不重要
My pulse and heartbeat are not important without you

也许航道以外 是醒不来的梦
Maybe beyond the path is a dream that will never wake up
乱世以外 是纯粹的相拥
Outside the chaotic world is a pure embrace

我没想到 为了你 我能疯狂到
I did not expect that I would go crazy for you
山崩海啸 没有你 根本不想逃
Even if there was a landslide or tsunami, I wouldn't think of leaving
我的大脑 为了你 已经疯狂到
My brain has gone crazy for you
脉搏心跳 没有你 根本不重要
My pulse and heartbeat are not important without you

相遇乱世以外 危难中相爱
Meeting outside the chaotic world and loving through hardships
相遇乱世以外 危难中相爱
Meeting outside the chaotic world and loving
I never expected it