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Sunday, July 24, 2016

周興哲 Eric - 你,好不好? How Have You Been?

是不是 還那麼愛遲到
Do you still love being late as usual?
熬夜工作 又睡不好
Not being able to sleep because you were up all night working

等你 完成你的目標
After you've accomplished your tasks
Please quit this overexerting habit

It's my fault
把自尊放太高 沒有把你照顧好
For having too much pride and not taking care of you

驕傲 是脆弱的外表
Pride is a fragile appearance
最怕我的心 你不要
The thing I fear the most is that you no longer want my heart

能不能繼續 對我哭 對我笑 對我好
Can you continue to cry for me, smile for me, be nice to me?
繼續讓我 為你想 為你瘋 陪你老
Let me continue to care for you, go crazy for you, grow old with you
你好不好 好想知道
I really want to know how have you been
Don't rush into throwing all the memories we share

我只需要你在身邊 陪我吵 陪我鬧
I only need you to be by my side quarreling and arguing with me
用好的我 把過去壞的我 都換掉
Replace my bad side of the past with my goods 
好想聽到 你堅決說愛我
I really want to hear you say that you will love me no matter what 
Unfortunately, we can't go back to that time
How have you been?

天知道 我快要受不了
God knows, I can't take it anymore
後悔 鑽進心裡燒
The regret is burning in my heart

擁抱 再多一次就好
Just one more hug
你要的 我都做得到
I am willing to do anything for you

能不能繼續 對我哭 對我笑 對我好
Can you continue to cry for me, smile for me, be nice to me?
繼續讓我 為你想 為你瘋 陪你老
Let me continue to care for you, go crazy for you, grow old with you
給你的好 還要不要
Can I still treat you good
But I would rather not know the answer

我只需要你在身邊 陪我吵 陪我鬧
I only need you to be by my side quarreling and arguing with me
別用離開教我 失去的人最重要
Don't use leaving to teach me that you are the most important person in my life
Don't say you once loved me
Let us go back to that time
How have you been?

能不能繼續 對我哭 對我笑 對我好
Can you continue to cry for me, smile for me, be nice to me?
繼續讓我 為你想 為你瘋 陪你老
Let me continue to care for you, go crazy for you, grow old with you
你好不好 好想知道
I really want to know how have you been
Don't rush into throwing all the memories we share

我只需要你在身邊 陪我吵 陪我鬧
I only need you to be by my side quarreling and arguing with me
別用離開教我 失去的人最重要
Don't use leaving to teach me that you are the most important person in my life
Don't say you once loved me
Let us go back to that time
How have you been??