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Friday, December 19, 2014

八三夭 831 - 我怎麼哭了 Why I Cried

和朋友 一如 往常 唱唱K歌
Singing KTV songs with friends as usual
下一攤 宵夜 火鍋 吃吃喝喝
Next stall, stay up late, eat hotpot and drink
那狂歡 一成 不變  一樣快快樂樂
That carnival hasn't changed, happy as it usually is
一樣失真的 夜晚和 清晨
Distorted nights and early mornings

那生活 勉強還能 自得其樂
That kind of life, I'm barely able to enjoy itself
而關上燈 獨自一人
When the lights are off, I'm alone
嘴角笑著 眼眶 為何溼了
I'm smiling at the corner of my mouth yet why am I crying

Why am I crying?
當我偶然想起了 想起有你的時刻
When I think of you, I suddenly remember all the times I spent with you
哼起你最愛的歌 點了你愛的菜色
Humming to your favorite song, ordering your favorite dishes
Why am I crying?
明明撫平了傷痕 好好過我的人生
Even though I healed my scars, and moved on with my life
絕不是 因為你那 無心一句 最近如何
Not because of your heartless remark, 'how are you recently'

那孤單 其實 沒有 想像殘忍
Being alone isn't as bad as I imagined
找個人 逛街 玩樂 都是選擇
I can find someone to go shopping and have fun with
但睡前 那句 晚安 我該對誰說呢
But before going to bed, who can I say goodnight to
一想到這 心就 不堪負荷
The thought of this makes my heartache

那生活 勉強還能 自得其樂
That kind of life, I'm barely able to enjoy itself
而關上燈 獨自一人
When the lights are off, I'm alone
誰會在乎 我的 喜怒哀樂
Who will care about my emotions

Why am I crying?
當我偶然想起了 想起有你的時刻
When I think of you, I suddenly remember all the times I spent with you
一起看過的景色 還沒實現的旅程
The sceneries that we've seen together, the journeys that have yet to begin
Why am I crying?
明明撫平了傷痕 好好過我的人生
Even though I healed my scars, and moved on with my life
絕不是 又想起了 我們曾相許的永恆
I will never think of it again, the promise we made to be together forever

I will not cry anymore
當我漸漸習慣了 習慣偽裝著快樂
When I just got used to it, used to pretending to be happy
習慣再愛一個人 就算不那麼狂熱
I am used to loving someone even if I am not so fanatical
Who are you loving?
要比我們更深刻 完成我們未完成
You must be more profound, complete what we couldn't finish
為你的 幸福犧牲 也算愛的 一種美德
Sacrificing for your happiness is also a virtue of love

我衷心 祝福你的 可是我卻 怎麼哭了
I sincerely wish you the best but why am I still crying