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Friday, June 21, 2013

蘇打綠 sodagreen - 我好想你 I Miss You

As I turned the lights on, the scene in front of my eyes
偌大的房 寂寞的床
A spacious room, and a lonely bed
關了燈 全都一個樣
Which all blended together as the light subsides
心裡的傷 無法分享
The wounds of the heart, are unable to be shared
隨年月流去 隨白髮老去
It flowed on as the years passed by; it aged on as our strands went white
隨著你離去 快樂渺無音訊
It abandoned me as you took flight, and my happiness is now out of sight
隨往事淡去 隨夢境睡去
It faded on as the past goes blight, it drowsed on as dreams snoozed night
It left me as my heart grew numb.
我好想你 好想你 卻不露痕跡
I dreamt of you, dreamt of you, yet without ever leaving you a clue
我還踮著腳思念 我還任記憶盤旋
I still tiptoed around my longing, I still let my memories roam
我還閉著眼流淚 我還裝作無所謂
My eyes still fill itself with tears when I close them, and I still pretend as if I don't care
我好想你 好想你 卻欺騙自己
I long for you, long for you, while lying to myself (that I do not)

As I turned the lights on, the scene in front of my eyes
偌大的房 寂寞的床
A spacious room, and a lonely bed
關了燈 全都一個樣
Which all all blended together as the light subsides
心裡的傷 無法分享
The wounds of the heart, are unable to be shared
隨年月流去 隨白髮老去
It flowed on as the years passed by; it aged on as our strands went white
隨著你離去 快樂渺無音訊
It abandoned me as you took flight, and my happiness is now out of sight
 隨往事淡去 隨夢境睡去
It faded on as the past goes blight, it drowsed on as dreams snoozed night
It left me as my heart grew numb
我好想你 好想你 卻不露痕跡
I dreamt of you, dreamt of you, yet without (ever) leaving you a clue.
我還踮著腳思念 我還任記憶盤旋
I still tiptoed around my longing, I still let my memories roam
我還閉著眼流淚 我還裝作無所謂
My eyes still fill itself with tears when I close them, and I still pretend as if I don't care.
我好想你 好想你 卻欺騙自己
I so long for you, long for you, while lying to myself (that I do not)
我好想你 好想你 就當作秘密
I so long for you, long for you, may I treat it as a secret
我好想你 好想你 就深藏在心裡
I so long for you, long for you, may I let it rest deeply in my heart