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Saturday, May 28, 2011

謝和弦 R.Chord - 牽心萬苦 Holding My Heart

下過 大雨的午後
In the afternoon after a heavy rain
I walk past the door of your house that I know so well
Memories rush into my mind
當時 純真的你和我
of the sincere you and me from back then

You always could control me
吃定我對你 愛的那麼多
Control me because I loved you so much
多少次打勾勾 多少次我照做
How many times we pinky swore, how many times I complied

You said holding hands would carry a girl's heart away
Without the slightest hesitation, I held your hand firmly
能不能 能不能 讓時間停留
I said could, could time stop
At the time when you hadn't let go yet?

當我想起你 怎會淚流 (想起你 怎麼會淚流)
When I think about you, why do I cry? (When I think about you why do I cry?)
當你開心的時候 也是我快樂的時候
The times when you were happy were the times when I was happy too
當你難過 我跟著難受
When you were sad, I felt sad with you
當你你愛我 (當你你愛我) 在你最脆弱的時候
When you said you love me (When you said you love me) It was the time when you were the most weak
當我想起你 怎會心痛 (想起你怎麼會心痛)
When I think about you, why does my heart ache? (Think about you, why does my heart ache?)
當你的心被牽走 牽的卻不再是我
When your heart was carried away, but it was no longer carried away by me
當我難過 你跟著他走
When I was sad, you left with him
當你 還是朋友 (說我們還是朋友)
When you said we're still a friend (You said we're still a friend)
I said "What else can I say?"

下過 大雨的午後
In the afternoon after a heavy rain
I walk past the door of your house that I know so well
Memories rush into my mind
當時 純真的你和我
of the sincere you and me from back then

You always could control me
吃定我對你 愛的那麼多
Control me because I loved you so much
多少次打勾勾 多少次我照做
How many times we pinky swore, how many times I complied

You said holding hands would carry a girl's heart away
Without the slightest hesitation, I held your hand firmly
能不能 能不能 讓時間停留
I said could, could time stop
At the time when you hadn't let go yet?

當我想起你 怎會淚流 (想起你 怎麼會淚流)
When I think about you, why do I cry? (When I think about you why do I cry?)
當你開心的時候 也是我快樂的時候
The times when you were happy were the times when I was happy too
當你難過 我跟著難受
When you were sad, I felt sad with you
當你你愛我 (當你你愛我) 在你最脆弱的時候
When you said you love me (When you said you love me) It was the time when you were the most weak
當我想起你 怎會心痛 (想起你怎麼會心痛)
When I think about you, why does my heart ache? (Think about you, why does my heart ache?)
當你的心被牽走 牽的卻不再是我
When your heart was carried away, but it was no longer carried away by me
當我難過 你跟著他走
When I was sad, you left with him
當你 還是朋友 (說我們還是朋友)
When you said we're still a friend (You said we're still a friend)
I said "What else can I say?"