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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

林俊傑 JJ Lin - 愛笑的眼睛 Smiling Eyes

如果不是那鏡子不像你 不藏秘密  
If it were not for that mirror, unlike you, doesn't hide secrets
我還不肯相信沒有你我的笑 更美麗 
I still don't believe that without you, my smile is more beautiful
那天聽你在電話裡 略帶抱歉的關心 
I heard you on the phone that day, hinted care with modest regret
我嘟的一聲切的比你說分手 徹底 
I hung up the phone with more conviction then when you said you wanted to break up

淋濕的衣洗乾淨 陽光裡曬乾回憶 
I washed my wet clothes stained from my tears, let my memories dry in the sun  
摺好了傷心 明天起只和快樂出去 
Feeling better, starting tomorrow I will only go out happily 
這愛的城市雖然擁擠 如果真的遇見你  
Through a crowded city with love, if I really meet you
你不必訝異 我的笑她無法代替 
Don't be surprised, my smile she can't replace them

離開你我才發現自己 那愛笑的眼睛  
I only found myself after leaving you, my eyes are smiling  
流過淚 像躲不過的暴風雨 淋濕的昨天刪去 
I cried, like an unavoidable storm, washing away the past
離開你我才找回自己 那愛笑的眼睛  
I only found myself after leaving you, my eyes are smiling
再見愛情 我一定讓自己 讓自己決定 
If I ever see love again, I've got to make myself, make myself decide 

淋濕的衣洗乾淨 陽光裡曬乾回憶 
I washed my wet clothes stained from my tears, let my memories dry in the sun  
摺好了傷心 明天起只和快樂出去 
Feeling better, starting tomorrow I will only go out happily 
這愛的城市雖然擁擠 如果真的遇見你  
Through a crowded city with love, if I really meet you
你不必訝異 我的笑她無法代替 
Don't be surprised, my smile she can't replace them

離開你我才發現自己 那愛笑的眼睛  
I only found myself after leaving you, my eyes are smiling  
流了泪 当一个人看旧电影 是我不小心而已
I cried, when I watched old films by myself, I was just being careless  
離開你我才找回自己 那愛笑的眼睛  
I only found myself after leaving you, my eyes are smiling
再見愛情 我一定讓自己 讓自己決定 
If I ever see love again, I've got to make myself, make myself decide 

離開你我才發現自己 那愛笑的眼睛  
I only found myself after leaving you, my eyes are smiling  
流過淚 像躲不過的暴風雨 淋濕的昨天刪去 
I cried, like an unavoidable storm, washing away the past
離開你我才找回自己 那愛笑的眼睛  
I only found myself after leaving you, my eyes are smiling 
再見愛情 我一定讓自己 讓自己決定  
If I ever see love again, I've got to make myself, make myself decide

再見到你 我一定讓自己 假裝很 堅定 
If I ever see you again, I've got to pretend to be strong