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Monday, December 13, 2010

黄丽玲 A-Lin - 給我一個理由忘記 Give Me a Reason To Forget

雨都停了 這片天灰什麼呢
The rain stopped. Why is the sky still gray?
我還記得 你說我們要快樂
I still remember you said that we need to be happy
深夜裡的腳步聲 總是刺耳
The footsteps in the middle of night are always harsh
害怕寂寞 就讓狂歡的城市陪我關燈
I'm scared of loneliness, so I let the wild city turn off the lights with me
只是哪怕周圍再多人 感覺還是一個人
Even though there are many people around me, I still feel like I'm alone
每當我笑了 心卻狠狠的哭著
Whenever I smiled, my heart was crying

給我一個理由忘記 那麼愛我的你
Give me a reason to forget you, who loved me so much
給我一個理由放棄 當時做的決定
Give me a reason to give up on the decision I made back then 
有些愛 越想抽離卻越更清晰
Sometimes with love, the more you pull away, the clearer it becomes
而最痛的距離 是你不在身邊 卻在我的心裡
And the most painful distance is that you aren't around but in my heart

當我走在 去過的每個地方
When I walk by every place we went
總會聽到 你那最自由的笑
I always hear your most free laughter
當我回到 一個人住的地方
When I return to the place I live alone
I am most afraid to see the coat that you love to wear in the winter
只是哪怕周圍再多人 感覺還是一個人
Even though there are many people around me, I still feel like I'm alone
每當我笑了 心卻狠狠的哭著
Whenever I smiled, my heart was crying

給我一個理由忘記 那麼愛我的你
Give me a reason to forget you, who loved me so much
給我一個理由放棄 當時做的決定
Give me a reason to give up on the decision I made back then 
有些愛 越想抽離卻越更清晰
Sometimes with love, the more you pull away, the clearer it becomes
而最痛的距離 是你不在身邊 卻在我的心裡
And the most painful distance is that you aren't around but in my heart

我找不到理由忘記 大雨裡的別離
I can't find a reason to forget our parting in the heavy rain
我找不到理由放棄 我等你的決心
I can't find a reason to give up my determination to wait for you 
有些愛 越想抽離卻越更清晰
Sometimes with love, the more you pull away, the clearer it becomes
而最痛的距離 是你不在身邊 卻在我的心裡
And the most painful distance is that you aren't around but in my heart

I miss you